1- Introduce yourself and your company, what is JF skateboard?
Hello, I’m Joel Meuwly, I’m 32 years old carpenter by trade and craftsman of skateboards/longboards and various furniture but, especially founder of the brand JF-skateboards (J.Family-Skateboards) and shop JF-Skatebaords (Skate & Tattoo) which are the subject of this article 😉 .
JF-skateoards is a brand born of a passion for the ride and wood that wants to represent the craft of skateboards / longboards Switzerland first and foremost, but also the promotion of various ride sports such as skate, freestyle scooter, longboards, Pow Surf, Snowscoot and I pass.
2- When did you start this project?
I think it all started in late 2015 with a buddy Frank who is passionate about drawing. We shared a common passion ” skateboarding ” and started thinking about different projects. That’s how the shop JF-Skateboards (Skate & Tattoo) was born in mid-2017 and then at the end of 2020 the brand ” JF-Skateboards ” that I launched with my brother Jérémie.
3- Why did you create JF skateboard?
About a year later (early 2017) with my buddy Frank who started to move nicely into the world of tattooing we
We said, but why not try to open a small store that mixes skateboarding and tattooing to end up with a handmade and unique product 100% handmade. Motivated by the idea, we were able to quickly find a commercial space and start our activity.
4- How did this idea of creating your own decks come about?
That’s when I started looking for boards on the internet and suddenly I came across a site that sold veneer, for me, with my training as a carpenter, it was a no-brainer, I was going to be able to put my ideas into practice.
At that time, I was already making solid wood longboards on my own.
At first it was hot, I was working in a large carpentry company and in the evening we were going to open the shop I had more than Sunday to make the boards.
Very quickly, I understood that I had to make a choice and there was no need to force me. My passion is first and foremost the world of riding.
I went for it.
I threw myself wholeheartedly into my goals, we couldn’t do things by halves if we wanted to see our projects succeed.
I quickly placed orders on this site, I started making my own boards for friends and myself.
It started to be known and I had my first orders in my circle of friends.
JF-skateboards was primed.
5- How did you hear about Roarockit?
My biggest problem when I started was that I couldn’t find a high quality maple supplier, but finally after some research, I came across the Roarockit website. What a relief, quality, reactivity and always good exchanges when I need information.
Roarockit Skateboard Europe
6- Where can we find you ? Where do you sell your products?
Currently, you can find all our products in our store JF-skateboards (skate and Tattoo) at Rue du Marché 16, 1820 Montreux Switzerland.
As well as on our e-shop JF-skateboard in which we deliver on order in all Europe. For more information, we also have an Instagram JF_skateboards.
7- What are your future projects?
My brother Jeremie joined the adventure in mid-2020 we are developing a sport store side, a visibility on the web and we have just registered the brand JF-Skateboards, the future projects for us would be to evolve this brand that will always remain handcrafted products regarding the wood and at the same time attack the whole universe of the ride. We are currently on a project of Pow surf we already offer the possibility of pyrography and customize all our decks and in a short time you may see a world premiere, we do not say more for the moment, but 2021 reserves beautiful surprises.
1- Can you introduce yourself? What do you do for a living?
My name is Enji Wadel and I am 44 years old. I am currently in ” reconversion ” as they say. Circassian acrobat since I was a kid, I rolled my hump a little bit everywhere with our circus ” La Compagnie Le Filet d’Air ” created with Isa my wife in 1999.
Funambulist, tent erector, Gypsy jazz musician, mechanic sometimes, this job allowed me to touch a little bit of everything and especially to develop the sense of ” bidouille ” when there is a problem… The show must go on !
2- When did you start making skateboards?
Mino I was a real daredevil, everything went bmx, rollerblading, skateboarding… As long as there was big slope, I was up for it !
Then time passed and it was through the wire that I channeled that need for adrenaline.
Living in the Alps and tired of the increasingly short snow seasons, we started longboarding with my son Nino.
One thing leading to another, we started to tinker with boards, to recover some, to cut CP to test different Shapes …. It was gone, we were taken by the passion of skate !
3- How did you learn to make a skateboard?
It was meeting two years ago with Christophe Stagnetto of Made in Alpes Skateboardthat was a revelation for me.
I hosted him as a stage manager on the festivalFesti’Streetorganized by our Trièves teens and Christophe was demoing Shape with Made in Alpes.
We spent the day chatting about skateboarding, he showed me the TAP, took the time to explain everything.
I’ve never taken an internship or anything, I’m observant and mostly a stubborn !
I search a lot, I make mistakes, beautiful discoveries and little by little I find myself making more and more boards of better quality…. It’s progressing continuously, just don’t let go !
4- What do you make them with?
This happens in three steps:
1 – Designing a prototype with the TAP technique and polystyrene mold.
2 – Once the concave and camber are found, make a wooden mold.
3 – Production, using a mechanical flange press, of a micro series of up to 10 boards.
I am currently working on a hydraulic concrete mold press that will see the light of day in early 2021 and should speed up the manufacturing process. It currently takes about 1 month from design to completion of a new model.
I also make knives that I mount with recycled skateboard pads or better with my wood scraps. I especially make a derivative model of grafting that I called ” The Gripper ” a tool that makes it easy to put the grip on and also works great for pizz’s during sessions !
5- How does Roarockit help you with his boards?
The TAP is an indispensable tool for making protos easily.
From its simplicity of use, one can quickly modify molds, search for the right shapes, size ect…
I also use the TAP a lot to press different objects I make with wood scraps (insert for knife mounts, guitar picks, wooden games ect…)
I use Roarockit’s Canadian maple for all my work, which is super quality. It’s a real pleasure to work on super clean materials. I love the color folds and the different shade changes the wood takes on depending on the stages of work ( rough, sanding, varnishing…)
7- What are your future plans?
To get back to roaming by being present on skate-parks, contests, sports events etc… With a Caravane-scene that we used to use for our shows that I’m going to refurbish this winter to make it a Mobile Skateshop.
The idea would be to distribute only boards from Independent Shapers and to have a workshop ” dépanne ” where the riders could rework the breakage of the day with material recovered here and there. I’m not sure how to do that.
By the way, if anyone is into this, feel free to contact me, the more the merrier…
9- You have free card for your last question. (thanks, sayings ….?)
Thanks to Béber for the old Kity, to Bernard for his sanding roller and his advice in woodworking, to the LET workshop and Laurenz for the knives assembly, to phil for the log, to polo for the future site to my neighbors for some illustrations and especially to the Riders who trust me.
A big big up to the family, buddies, and people in my village who support me.
It’s amazing to see that when you scratch a little, poke around, take an interest in others, a lot of doors open. You just have to be patient…
1-Peux-tu te présenter ? Que fais-tu dans la vie ?
Ma passion tient en un mot “Fabriquer des trucs”
Fabriquer des skateboards, et t’apprendre à construire le tien.
Créer des enseignes en bois et en métal. Faire des Tshirts sérigraphiés pour une asso.
Démonter des trucs et des bidules pour les transformer. Imprimer et découper des stickers pour ton groupe de rock, j’aime faire absolument de tout!
J’ai commencé la construction comme décoratrice et accessoiriste pour le cinéma, et je me suis formée en parallèle sur des machines de fabrication numérique. (découpe laser, impression 3D, CNC…)
Entrepreneuse et « makeuse » en montage de projets hybrides, culturels ou en lien avec l’économie sociale et solidaire. Mon parcours est axé sur la recherche de l’innovation et l’envie d’apprendre à faire sans craindre l’erreur ou la complexité.
2- Quand as-tu commencé et pourquoi ?
Créé en 2016, l’atelier Bye Bye est un atelier de fabrication numérique et artisanal.
Ses activités principales : fabrication de skateboards, découpe et gravure laser pour la signalétique et sérigraphie.
Le projet a débuté à l’Ile d’Yeu, puis est devenu mobile en organisant des stages de fabrication de skateboards à Nantes et à Paris.
J’ai commencé à fabriquer des skateboards sur mesure à la demande de certains de mes clients, et finalement, je me suis aperçue que beaucoup souhaitaient pouvoir fabriquer leur propre planche.
3- Explique-nous ton concept en quelques mots ?
L’atelier Bye Bye organise des stages de fabrication numérique : découpe laser, impression 3D, découpe vinyle, électronique et des ateliers d’initiations aux techniques artisanales : menuiserie, sérigraphie, métal…
En parallèle, je vends quelques modèles sur ma boutique en ligne et dans mon atelier à Nantes. J’aborde la fabrication de skateboards en misant sur la qualité et la longévité. L’accent est mis sur le choix des matériaux et sur la durabilité.
En chêne, en noyer, en bambou, en érable, elles ont chacune un petit quelque chose qui les rend uniques.
Je suis en train de développer une série de cruiser garantis à vie, en prenant en compte que le bois est une matière vivante.
Au lieu de le vernir, ce qui bloque la respiration de la matière, on peut aussi l’entretenir, comme on le ferait pour un beau meuble d’ébéniste qui se patine avec le temps. Je teste le processus d’entretien en ce moment, avant de mettre cette série en vente courant 2021.
4- Comment as-tu appris tout ce que tu enseignes ?
Je suis autodidacte dans toutes les techniques qui font aujourd’hui mon métier, j’ai plaisir à partager mes connaissances et permettre à chacun de fabriquer par soi-même à peu près tout et n’importe quoi.
Mon précédent métier dans le décor et la construction pour le cinéma m’a beaucoup appris dans toutes les techniques que j’utilise aujourd’hui.
Je fais aussi beaucoup d’échange de connaissances avec des amis ou des pros, souvent je leur apprends une autre technique en échange. On fait du troc de connaissances, quoi !
5- Quelle est ta meilleure réalisation ?
Aucune idée, je ne l’ai pas encore réalisée !
Si on parle skateboard, je pense que c’est l’association « skate with refugees » que je suis en train de créer avec des copains skateurs.
On part du principe que le skateboard est un vecteur d’intégration et permet de s’affranchir de la barrière culturelle. L’idée est de leur changer les idées en leur apprenant une technique pour la plupart inconnue et de leur permettre de rencontrer d’autres enfants qui partagent cette passion. Créer du lien entre eux, une amitié forte entre les jeunes sur la base d’un sport porteur de sens et de fraternité.
6- Comment Roarockit t’aide à la réalisation de tes projets ?
La technique Roarockit m’a permis de devenir mobile et de proposer des stages en dehors de mon atelier. La facilité de construction et la légèreté du matériel permettent de se déplacer facilement d’un lieu à l’autre pour proposer des ateliers de construction.
En 2020, l’atelier déménage dans un lieu aussi improbable qu’atypique : une péniche en plein centre-ville de Nantes.
L’atelier sera partagé avec différents acteurs œuvrant autour des low-techs et de la fabrication avec la volonté de faire de la péniche un lieu de recherche et d’expérimentation.
Espace de coworking et atelier partagé de fabrication numérique et artisanale axé sur les low-techs et la fabrication locale. Dans le jargon, on appelle ça “makerspace”
L’atelier Bye Bye organise des stages de fabrication : skateboard, découpe laser, impression 3D, découpe vinyle, électronique et initiation aux techniques artisanales : menuiserie, sérigraphie, métal.
L’atelier ouvre ses portes aux artisans locaux pour des expositions et des workshops, aux artistes pour des spectacles et des concerts à bord de la péniche le Sémaphore.
L’objectif ? Réfléchir et expérimenter sur notre façon de consommer, travailler, fabriquer, nous déplacer, nous cultiver dans le monde de demain.
8- Comment fait-on si on veut réserver un atelier ?
Vous pouvez directement cliquer sur les liens des photos pour y accéder.
The European Custom Show event is a unique concept. Originally founded by the Chalk Custom Board Project collective and now with Roarockit Skateboard Europe as a partner of the event, this collective exhibition aims to bring together and showcase Europe’s most talented custom board artists
The first edition of the European Custom Board Show was born in Brussels in 2017 in partnership with the gallery The Art Project.
More than 20 European artists have been carefully selected to participate. Each of them exhibited up to 3 skates, cruisers or longboards, customized by hand. All unique pieces.
For this exhibit the Roarockit team made a hand-curved longboard board, which was then customized by member artist and Chalk creator, Mata7ik.
The second edition of the European Custom Show took place in Darwin from June 5 to 26, 2019. In one of the cult places of urban culture in Bordeaux, experimental and artistic in the ultra-wide sense of the term.
More than 70 artists were present and no less than 240 custom boards were exhibited.
The 3rd edition was born in Brussels in an iconic building: the Halles Saint Gery. This year from July 2 to September 7, 2020, the exhibition welcomed no less than 50 artists from all over Europe and from a wide variety of backgrounds: tattooing, architecture, painting, graffiti, sculpture, graphics …
Over 150 custom boards were presented for the occasion.
For this occasion and because it is more important to us than ever, we made a piece, all of the profits from which will be donated to the NGO Skateistan (more details below).
In view of the circumstances and due to the security measures due to COVID-19 and their constant evolution, the exhibition is also available online on the European Custom Board Show website, making the virtual exhibition accessible to everyone.
It was a real pleasure to be a partner of this event once again. A success and an unforgettable moment of meeting and sharing!
Skate’N Chair :
The Skate N’ Chair is a project made by Roarockit Skateboard Europe in order to raise funds for NGO Skateistan.
This handmade chair takes its name from its design : 10 curved and assembled skateboards decks whose flexibility provides a natural rocking sensation, similar to that we can find when sitting in a traditional rocking chair.
In detail, this chair is composed of 4 street decks, 3 pintail longboards and 3 mini-cruisers for a total of 70 sheets of Canadian maple wood. Each top sheet of these boards has been selected for their wavy and birds eye effects. The rarity and aesthetics of these maple sheets add a unique side to this chair.
It took a little over a month to complete this project. The pressing of the boards required a particular technique to obtain these curves. An ultra-resistant glossy varnish has been chosen to highlight each board providing a velvety impression. Wheel-truck set-ups have been installed on all three legs to accentuate the rocking sensation and also makes this chair easily mobile.
100% of funds raised by the sale of this piece will be donated to SKATEISTAN.
Design and production: Sarah Jackson & Nicolas Alix
Skateistan is a non-governmental organization, which empowers children through skateboarding and education in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa.
By combining skateboarding with a creative and artistic education, they give children the opportunity to become leaders for a better world. They focus on groups that are often excluded from sports and educational activities, especially girls, children with disabilities and those from low-income backgrounds.
They provide safe spaces where children can have fun, build skills and confidence, and break down social barriers by making new friends.
In the words of its founders, it is about: “creating a better future for these young people and their communities, through innovative programs that aim to develop the experiences and skills of each of them”.
If like us you want to support this NGO, you can directly donate by clicking on the button below or buy the chair that we have made.
We would like to thank Chalk Custom Board Project and all the artists for creating and making the European Custom Board Show what it is today! A amazing experience, a moment of sharing and new encounters, art, talent and much much more.
J’utilise des plis d’érable canadien pour les skateboards et parfois du bambou pour les longboards.
6- Comment Roarockit t’aide lors de ces réalisations ?
Le bois proposé est toujours de qualité, les packs de 10 decks sont très avantageux . J’apprécie les conseils techniques de Sarah et Nico quand j’ai une question.
7- Quels procédés utilises-tu ? (presses,….)
J’utilise principalement les presses “thin air press” de Roarockit et une presse custom que j’ai fabriqué.